Can I send my Email Broadcasts to a different Keap or Infusionsoft Email?

If you’re looking to send your FeedBolt post to alternate email addresses on a Keep or Infusionsoft contact record, Email Address 2, for example, that’s easily done right in the template you’re using for FeedBolt.

By default, your email templates are sent to ~Contact.Email~, but if you’d like to send to another email address, just change the email address to ~Contact.EmailAddress2~ or whatever the other email address merge field is – even a custom field, if you like.

This is especially helpful if you’re using WeDeliver.Email to improve your Keap and Infusionsoft deliverability (using Mandrill, Sendgrid, Sparkpost, SMTP, Mailgun, Amazon, etc…) and need to send to the second email address on a contact record.