Email Previews and Account Management

Email previews can now be sent to any email address and not just the account holder’s email address. This is especially helpful where the billing contact is the account owner but a marketing or Infusionsoft contact is actually working in FeedBolt. Instead of the preview being sent to the account owner who then has to forward it to the person logged into FeedBolt, the logged in user can choose where the preview is sent.

This preference stays set for the duration of the browser session. Logging out or refreshing the page will reset the preview email address back to the account holder.

We’ve improved the errors generated when sending a preview.

We now validate the opt-in status of the email address being sent the preview to make sure that Infusionsoft will actually send the email. If the email address isn’t mailable, we now say so.

On the back end, the FeedBolt support team (and our internal FeedBolt billing automation) can now easily update the number of feeds on an account for a user so when you upgrade your account, we can instantly bump up the number of feeds on your account.

Commit #0380540