How do I link FeedBolt to my Keap account?

If your FeedBolt app isn’t automatically linked to your Keap or Infusionsoft app when you enroll, you can easily link the two.

After you login to FeedBolt, if you’re not prompted to connect to your Keap app, click My Account on the left hand side.

  1. Click the Connect to Keap button
  2. Log into Keap, if you aren’t already
  3. Confirm which Keap app you’d like to connect to FeedBolt
  4. You’ll be automatically directed back into FeedBolt!

Now your two accounts are linked and you can start sending your RSS feed updates to your Keap contacts!

Troubleshooting Keap Connection Issues

Can I use a Keap Personal Access Token (PAT)?

No. Keap Personal Access Tokens (PATs) are not supported.

Can I use a Keap Service Account Key (SAK)?

No. Connecting to Keap’s API using a Keap Service Account Key (SAK) is not supported.

Can I use a Keap Legacy API Key?

Keap’s Legacy API is no longer supported and you’ll need to connect FeedBolt directly to Keap through their oAuth flow.

What happens if the Keap User who connected FeedBolt to Keap is removed?

If the Keap user that connected FeedBolt to Keap has their login disabled in Keap, FeedBolt will no longer be able to connect to your Keap app. When you next login to FeedBolt, you’ll need to reconnect to Keap.