Optional Merge Field Truncation in FeedBolt
Ever find a text field to be too long? Perhaps you want to include the content from a post, but not ALL of it. Or perhaps a post title is too long. You can easily truncate a field by appending a length and a unit to the field name. Supported units are characters, words, and…
Date Formatting in FeedBolt
When you include a date merge field in your content, for example, the Publication Date of a post, you can customize the format. You will most likely choose a default date format under My Account, but if you need, you can further customize a date field in your email template. After inserting a date merge…
Day of the Week Scheduling
You asked and we delivered! FeedBolt now supports day of the week scheduling so you can set which days you want your feeds to be checked! For example, you can set FeedBolt to just check on Mondays, or perhaps only on Wednesdays and Fridays, or just Monday through Friday – whatever fits your schedule and…
Viewing and Exporting FeedBolt Open and Click Stats
Broadcast Stats just got even better! Below each broadcast, click on Send History to see all past broadcasts for a given feed. Each broadcast listed will show you when it was mailed, what post was mailed, and how many opens and clicks were tracked. NEW! Clicking on the broadcast will now open up additional broadcast…
Text Merge Fields and Merge Field Preview
We have two exciting FeedBolt updates for you (and one important change)… If you thought you loved the ability to merge in your feed’s images, you’re going to love the ability to merge in the text version of your content along with your images now, too! This let’s you independently layout your text separate from your…
Tracking Codes and Query Strings
Including query parameters or tracking codes in your FeedBolt URLs – for example Google Analytics tracking codes, Infusionsoft contact fields, and more – is easy with FeedBolt RSS to Email for Infusionsoft. When you add a tracking link like ~RSS.url~, simply append the query string. For example, for Google Analytics, you might add your link like this:…
Broadcast Open and Click Stats
All Infusionsoft RSS to Email broadcasts sending out of FeedBolt now automagically track your send, open, and click stats right in FeedBolt! For each broadcast, you can see how many contacts were mailed, how many contacts opened the email and how many contacts clicked a link. These open and click stats are for unique openers…
Broadcast History
FeedBolt RSS to Email for Infusionsoft now tracks the history of past broadcasts so you can see what blog post was sent to your list and when. Specifically, when viewing your feeds, if a feed has mailed, you’ll see a link for “Send History…” next to the stats for the last broadcast. Clicking the history…
Instant Sending and Expanded Scheduling
FeedBolt RSS for Infusionsoft now lets you instantly broadcast to your Infusionsoft contacts when you add a new post to your site with our FeedBolt Ping service. In FeedBolt, click the arrow next to “Check Now…” on an active feed and select “Setup Ping…” This will provide you a secret URL to ping when a…