How do I include query parameters or tracking codes in my URLs?
Including query parameters or tracking codes in your FeedBolt URLs – for example Google Analytics tracking codes, Infusionsoft contact fields, and more – is easy with FeedBolt RSS to Email for Infusionsoft. When you add a tracking link like ~RSS.url~, simply append the query string. For example, for Google Analytics, you might add your link like this:…
Where is the Keap Tag I just created?
The newest tag created in Keap often doesn’t show up in any third party applications until you add another tag. If you’ve just added a new tag in Keap and don’t yet see it in FeedBolt, try adding another dummy tag to Keap and then refreshing FeedBolt and you’ll see your newly created tag as expected!
Broadcast History
FeedBolt RSS to Email for Infusionsoft now tracks the history of past broadcasts so you can see what blog post was sent to your list and when. Specifically, when viewing your feeds, if a feed has mailed, you’ll see a link for “Send History…” next to the stats for the last broadcast. Clicking the history…
Can my site notify FeedBolt of new posts?
You easily can configure your site to notify FeedBolt of your latest posts. In FeedBolt, click the arrow next to “Check Now…” on an active feed and select “Setup Ping…” This will provide you a secret URL to ping when a new post is online. Configure your site to ping your URL when a new…
Viewing FeedBolt Broadcast Stats in Keap
Keap (fka Infusionsoft) keeps track of all broadcasts sent via FeedBolt and you can view these broadcast results inside of Keap from the Email Batch report. Finding the BatchID and corresponding report is a little tricky, though, but with some quick digging, you’ll be on your way. We know this is far from ideal and…
Integrating JoomFuse with FeedBolt
Watch this video by JoomFuse creator Dom Cassone on how to have FeedBolt automatically send updates to your JoomFuse members when you add new Members Only content to your Joomla site.
What Feed URL do I use from iMember360?
iMember360 protects it’s feeds for Members Only and you’ll need to provide FeedBolt with a special iMember360 URL to access the postings. While viewing your blog (or category, etc…) view the source of the page and copy the URL of the feed URL. This is your personal RSS feed that pulls up postings as you. This…
Will FeedBolt work with my Membership site?
Yes! FeedBolt is a great way to mail your members the latest content from your membership site. We work great with WordPress based membership sites like iMember360, Memberium, WishList and more, Joomla based memberships sites like JoomFuse, as well as dedicated sites that have RSS feeds like CustomerHub. You’ll want to make sure that the Feed URL…
Why didn’t my feed send?
If your feed didn’t send out, make sure that you have a valid feed, template and tag selected and that the feed is marked as On. Next, you’ll see on the feed the last time we checked for an update, the next time we’ll check for an update, and the last time we mailed and…
How do I add a new Blog or RSS feed to FeedBolt?
To add a new feed to your FeedBolt account, scroll to the bottom of your feeds list and click on the Add a Feed button. Enter the URL of your feed, we’ll verify that we can read the feed, and then you’ll be able to configure your feed by choosing your tag and Infusionsoft template…