Why do my posts say “The post appeared first…”?

Certain WordPress plugins modify your RSS feed. If you’re seeing language like “The post ___ appeared first on ___” then you have Yoast SEO enabled with their default RSS content modifications! To get rid of this text: Click into your Yoast Settings from the sidebar of your WordPress admin. Click Advanced Click on the RSS tab…

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Memberium Auto-Login from RSS Feed Emails in FeedBolt

Do you use Memberium to protect content only available to your members? If so, did you know that you can have FeedBolt automatically log your recipients into Memberium right from their FeedBolt email? Using Memberium’s autologin feature, and FeedBolt’s dynamic links, we simply add on the autologin details to the end of the URL in your…

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How do I stop Infusionsoft from breaking my links?

If you create or edit your templates in Infusionsoft and you add links, Infusionsoft by default will make your links Infusionsoft tracking links which means that your template doesn’t actually contain the URL you want to mail. Instead it contains an Infusionsoft internal link. This prevents FeedBolt from swapping your feed and post links in…

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How do I link FeedBolt to my Keap account?

If your FeedBolt app isn’t automatically linked to your Keap or Infusionsoft app when you enroll, you can easily link the two. After you login to FeedBolt, if you’re not prompted to connect to your Keap app, click My Account on the left hand side. Now your two accounts are linked and you can start…

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Tracking Codes and Query Strings

Including query parameters or tracking codes in your FeedBolt URLs – for example Google Analytics tracking codes, Infusionsoft contact fields, and more – is easy with FeedBolt RSS to Email for Infusionsoft. When you add a tracking link like ~RSS.url~, simply append the query string. For example, for Google Analytics, you might add your link like this:…

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How do I include query parameters or tracking codes in my URLs?

Including query parameters or tracking codes in your FeedBolt URLs – for example Google Analytics tracking codes, Infusionsoft contact fields, and more – is easy with FeedBolt RSS to Email for Infusionsoft. When you add a tracking link like ~RSS.url~, simply append the query string. For example, for Google Analytics, you might add your link like this:…

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Where is the Keap Tag I just created?

The newest tag created in Keap often doesn’t show up in any third party applications until you add another tag. If you’ve just added a new tag in Keap and don’t yet see it in FeedBolt, try adding another dummy tag to Keap and then refreshing FeedBolt and you’ll see your newly created tag as expected!

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Broadcast Open and Click Stats

All Infusionsoft RSS to Email broadcasts sending out of FeedBolt now automagically track your send, open, and click stats right in FeedBolt! For each broadcast, you can see how many contacts were mailed, how many contacts opened the email and how many contacts clicked a link. These open and click stats are for unique openers…

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Broadcast History

FeedBolt RSS to Email for Infusionsoft now tracks the history of past broadcasts so you can see what blog post was sent to your list and when. Specifically, when viewing your feeds, if a feed has mailed, you’ll see a link for “Send History…” next to the stats for the last broadcast. Clicking the history…

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Instant Sending and Expanded Scheduling

FeedBolt RSS for Infusionsoft now lets you instantly broadcast to your Infusionsoft contacts when you add a new post to your site with our FeedBolt Ping service. In FeedBolt, click the arrow next to “Check Now…” on an active feed and select “Setup Ping…” This will provide you a secret URL to ping when a…

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